Here at the end of all the celebration, around 11pm and Ana still was with some energy to open her presents and play. FYI, in Mexico it is not well seen that you open the presents in front of the people who gave them to you. Big cultural difference right?

A picture with Ana Sofias little cusin, Sammy.
A picture with mother's family.
Bailando con guelo Jorge
Dancing with grandpa Jorge
Dancing with grandpa Roberto
We want some cake!!
Here is the moment before the "bolo" everybody waiting for the godfather to throw some money on the air.
Another pic of the party, smile!!
Here is a view of the party.
Here in the baptism with godparents and parents.
Ana Sofia en la misa muy risuenia con su abuelita Elvira, noten que se parecen tanto hasta en el corte de cabello.

Ana Sofia and her gradma (Roberto's mom), pay attention to the incredible similarities between them, many people say that she looks just like her granny, they even had the same haircut.
The uncle/God-Mother changing the God-Daughter.
El dia del bautizo de Ana Sofia fue el primero de Junio del 2008, casi casi cerca de su primer anio de vida, por lo que le celebramos tambien su cumpleanios. Familia y amigos vinieron desde varios ricones de Mexico, desde Oaxaca, Puebla, DF, Fortin de las Flores, Omealca, Guadalajara, Chiapas, Veracruz y hasta de Corea, si me salte algunos me disculpo. Pues todo fue muy emocionante y celebramos muy al estilo mexicano. Mas que para Ana Sofia, fue mas emocionante para para nosotros ya que ella no sabia ni que onda, para nosotros el hecho de ver a mucha gente que apreciamos y que no habiamos visto en mucho tiempo. Agradecemos a todos que nos hayan acompaniado en algo tan importante.
En las fotos pueden ver a la madrina que es la que se supone que debe cambiar de ropa a la ahijada, en las fotos pueden ver parte de la ceremonia y mas tarde la fiesta organizada por los abuelitos ya que nosotros no pudimos hacer nada desde tan lejos. Gracias guelos por organizarme mi fiesta y a todos mis invitados por venir desde tan lejos a conocerme y cargarme.
Ana Sofia was baptized on June 1st of 2008. Since it was near her 1st B-Day, we celebrated all together. Family and friends came from various corners of Mexico, we had guests from Oaxaca, Puebla, DF, Fortin de las Flores, Omealca, Guadalajara, Chiapas, Veracruz and even from Corea and Nigeria. Everything was very exciting, mainly for us. The fact to see so many old friends was great and overwhelming. We appreciate very much the company of everybody.
In the pictures you can see my sister "the God-Mother" changing Ana Sofia. I am not sure if this is a Mexican tradition for the God-Mother or if it is something the catholics do everywhere. Then you can see the baptism and later the party. We had around 150 guests, everything was made "little Mexican town style" great mexican food, a pinata, bolo (where the God-Father throws money on the air for the guests to catch, cake, and music (the music was part of the Mexican folklore, maybe like country music for Americans). We thought that this way Ana Sofia will have her roots well attached and celebrate according to our traditions from the very beginning.