Por supuesto que Ana Sofia tenia que tener su "primer" corte de cabello y estar bien guapa para su bautizo. Aqui en la foto le estan cortando su cabello, le entretuvieron 5 personas, casi se ponen de cabeza para que no se moviera y bueno ella facinada de ser el centro de atencion y se dejo muy bien. En realidad el primer corte de cabello se lo dimos Roberto y yo cuando tenia como 6 meses y le dimos una trasquilada que parecia que la habia mordido un burro, pobre de mi hija, no la queria yo sacar ni a la esquina, esa vez Roberto dio un tijeretzo mal y yo como otros tres.
Ana Sofia got her "first" haircut in Mexico, she had to be ready and beautiful for her baptism. About five ladies who work in the place tried to keep her distracted and she did really well. She loved to be the center of attention. To be honest the first hair cut was given by her mom and dad when she was around six months, we did a terrible job!! she looked so weird and I did not even want to take her outside. Anyhow, I guess it was part of being first parents right?
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