Pues como buena ninia, Ana sofia ya hace sus travesuritas, ayer me descuide dos segundos y se metio abajo de la mesa, ahi le rasco a la madera y le arranco un pedacito y se lo echo a la boca, aun no me explico de donde porque ya me super fije y no hay manera, pero cuando lo hizo se aseguro de que no le viera y me espiaba a ver si la veia y cuando note su comportamiento y vi que estaba masticando algo corri a abrirle la boca y se molesto muchisimo, le tuve que sacar el pedacito de madera a la fuerza.
Casi siempre le cerramos nuestro cuarto porque no todos los contactos de luz estan tapados y hay cosas que le jala como una mesita que casi no pesa y se la echa encima, entoces siempre le decimos que "no vaya." Pero por sus panialotes va y se mete, aqui en la foto se ve como asoma la cabecita para espiarme y asegurarse de que "no la veo." Ay Moniquita 2 diria Robertito.
Being the kid she is, Ana Sofia is mischievous. Yesterday for example she went under the dinning table and managed to get a piece of wood off the table and started chewing on it. I was in the kitchen but I was keeping an eye on her, when I noticed that she was trying to hide from me. I saw that she was moving her mouth so I ran to check on her. I had to open her mouth and take out the little piece of wood. She was not happy at all.
In some occasions, we ask her "not to go" to our room because some sockets are not yet covered. There is also a little table that she likes to play with, but it has fallen over her in the past. Anyhow, here is a picture I took when she "goes to our room" when she had been previously asked "not to," you can see how she makes sure to sneak and check if mommy is not looking.
1 comentario:
Haha Moniquita 2!
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