martes, 1 de julio de 2008

Mi carrito de bomberos

Pues Ana Sofia tuvo de regalo de cumpleanios un carrito rojo, y bueno lo escogimos de ese color porque primero yo me acorde que yo tuve un carrito rojo cuando era peque. Tambien Roberto tiene una buena historia con un "calito lojo" cuando era peque y mas tarde tuvo un Lucino y un Pointer cuando estaba en sus 20's. Para no dejar la tradicion, aqui le le dimos su carrito rojo a Ana Sofia, quien esta feliz de la vida y nos "exige" darle varias rondas en su carrito toooooodo el dia, tooooooooda la tarde y si se puede parte de la noche hasta antes de que se va a la cama.

Ana Sofia got a present for her first birthday, a red firetruck. We chose this color because Roberto and I had both red little cars when we were kids. Later on, Roberto had a red Lucino and a Pointer when he was in his 20's. Therefore, the tradition must continue and now it is Ana Sofia's turn. She is very happy whith her car and she asks for several rounds aaaaaall day, aaaaaall afternoon and if possible part of the night until she gets tired and goes to bed.

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